Confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik was legally insane when he killed nearly 80 people, many children,…
A mother writes in to Australia's Telegraph to complain that World of Warcraft has turned her 13-year-old son into…
In an industry where games barely even a month old are slashed in price then swiftly forgotten, World of Warcraft is…
With patch 4.3 coming soon to a World of Warcraft near you, Blizzard tossed us some video showcasing the three new…
A recent survey has found an estimated 50% of World of Warcraft's playerbase has grown tired of the game. It also…
In World of Warcraft, there is Thrall. And Thrall uses a giant hammer called, awesomely, Doomhammer. It used to…
As of mid-2009, the creators of World of Warcraft were retaining the IP histories of its users indefinitely and was…
While it's easy to quaff Chuck Norris jokes are old, so too is World of Warcraft. So pairing the two, with Norris…
World of Warcraft celebrates its seventh birthday on Nov. 23, and in observance, anyone logging in between Sunday…
How does Skyrim, one of the biggest single-player RPGs around, stack up against World of Warcraft, the most popular…
During G-Star, Blizzard showed off impressive fan art at its booth's community zone. The Grand Theft Auto inspired W…
With wealth distribution being a hot topic in the real world, one demographer/World of Warcraft enthusiast tried to…
World of Warcraft may never truly die. People still play the first Everquest, after all. But it will inevitably lose…
Back in spring 2010, two teenage boys—Kruse Wellwood and Cameron Moffat—raped and killed 18-year-old Kimberly…
With fewer and fewer children donning costumes and hitting the streets every year to celebrate all things sweet and…
World of Warcraft developers Blizzard upset a few people with their decision to screen an expletive-filled rant…
This past weekend Blizzard revealed Mists of Pandaria, the new Expansion pack for World of Warcraft that…
Blizzard's annual Blizzcon is, for the most part, a friendly get-together for like-minded fans, a place where…
Have you or someone you know spent years cultivating an Alliance-side guild in World of Warcraft, only to realize…
I'm a fan of buddy crime-solving comedy Psych. The silly nature of the show and its constant references to obscure…