From the sound of it, this level 1 character is one of a few hackers who discovered a bug or an exploit that…
Football is a role-playing game. That's how Chris Kluwe, the Minnesota Vikings punter and noted World…
Editor's note: This piece was republished with permission from NBC News InGame.
World of Warcraft has always been notorious for having tons of video game and pop culture references and Mists of…
Sitting down and catching up on all the news this morning, a pair of headlines jumped out at me. Both were, in a…
Colleen Lachowicz is running for state senate in Waterville, Maine. She also plays a lot of World of Warcraft.…
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria sold 2.7 million copies, Blizzard announced this morning. Total WoW subs: 10 mil.
Hey, it's Athene, the self-styled (and partly accurate) "world's best gamer"3. Hitting the streets in one of his…
While Kate is working the latest World of Warcraft expansion pack from the bottom up, I am tasked with taking my…
[The Mists of Pandaria expansion to World of Warcraft introduces new content in the starter levels as well as in the…
Wow. I live in New York, so I've seen my fair share of talented sand artists, but I've never seen someone pinch…
In World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Mists of Pandaria, there's a new race of panda people called Pandaren. Last…
Think you have it rough? Try being a World of Warcraft player in China. You have to deal with Western gamers who…
The Mists of Pandaria parted in World of Warcraft last week, unlocking a long-hidden, lore-heavy civilization for…
Football is a role-playing game. That's how Chris Kluwe, the Minnesota Vikings punter and noted World…
This morning, I got up early and sat down to a freshly-patched World of Warcraft to play a brand-new Pandaren. I…
Somehow this is the first time I've gotten my hands on World of Warcraft's version of Pokemon. This short video…
World of Warcraft's next expansion has gone live in North America, and the first thing I did was transform my…
Wow. That didn't take long. World of Warcraft expansion Mists of Pandaria isn't even out yet for most people (it…
I have known many artistic World of Warcraft fans. I have known many women who like to get their nails done. I even…