You can play Doki Doki Universe on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita and, no matter what, you're…
The latest "Real Driving Simulator" lets you really simulate driving on the moon. So here's how to unlock the "Lunar…
Is Terraria too terrestrial for you? Does FTL not have enough tedious mining? Do you play Minecraft and just wish…
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was released last week in Japan. As we’ve noted before, Lightning Returns is…
The next Hunger Games movie comes out tomorrow, so while we're all eagerly lining up for midnight showings, we can…
Last week, we showed you one side of the PS3/Vita title Akiba's Trip 2: its faithful reconstruction of otaku mecca…
Batman does a bit more detective work in his new game. Good thing? Bad thing? Take a look as Evan Narcisse and I…
Sure, I love playing Cookie Clicker at work, but that love began with Candy Box. It starts so simply, just a…
Enter The Dominatrix was originally announced for Saints Row The Third, then turned into a full sequel, now it's…
Not only did Vlambeer make another great shoot-em-up, they're also live streaming the game's development twice a…
Sure, you've played roguelikes before, but it's a bit different when you mix in the Old Ones of H.P. Lovecraft's…
Leo and I decided to try out this free-to-play game called Tactical Intervention as a fallback when another game…
There's something to be said for games that just feel right. Glare isn't terribly challenging, but something about…
This is getting out of control. I want my life back. This new clicking game has two buttons to click, and penalties…
I'm going to drop some big news here, are you ready? Dark Souls 2 is really difficult. There, I said it. Of course…
Ascend: Hand of Kul is a free-to-play RPG on Xbox 360, and it's surprisingly fun. Sure, you do have to look past…
Kotaku Editor-In-Chief Stephen Totilo feels very strongly about Pac-Man, or at least the fact that I haven't played …
With a name like Girl Fight, you'd expect a bottom-of-the-barrel exploitation game, with heavy focus on boob jiggle…
Cookie Clicker is a pointless, free browser game that uses some of the worst design elements from addictive…
“In Germany, saying that you want to make games is like saying you want to make porn.” There’s rhythmic thumping…