Junction Point creator Warren Spector wrote a heartfelt note about his studio's closure today.
Someday, somewhere, someone will make a video game musical. Legendary game designer Warren Spector hopes it will be…
Conservative pundit Glenn Beck has his fans, but famed video game developer Warren Spector reportedly isn't one of…
A cybernetically enhanced secret agent with a sniper rifle. A mouse with a paintbrush. You'd think those two things…
Epic Mickey was a game that fought against itself. Oh, I really, really wanted to fully embrace Warren Spector's…
Did all the neck-stabbing, animal-killing, city-destroying carnage at E3 stand out to you this year? Whether you…
Junction Point—the development studio founded by legendary game designer Warren Spector and later acquired by…
Earlier this month at the Game Developers Choice Awards, Deus Ex and Epic Mickey designer received a Lifetime…
Preservation of any art or technology is always a tricky business, and it's no secret that video game preservation…
With nearly 30 years in game development and a career spent crafting unique gaming experiences like Deus Ex and Epic…
I'm back from a vacation in Istanbul where the wonders of an iPad and a Wi-Fi connection allowed me to download and…
Ever Wednesday there are new comics in comics shops and available for (legitimate) download. But there aren't new…
There are new comics in the comics shops every Wednesday, but some of those comics are not worth your money. As…
Aside from perhaps Nintendo, there are few video game studios that have ever been home to so many of the industry's…
Proving his deep love for classic Disney characters in Epic Mickey, acclaimed video game creator Warren Spector…
CNBC reports that up to half of Disney's internal game development staff - think Epic Mickey and Junction Point -…
A common criticism of Disney's Epic Mickey (made by Totilo in his review, too) concerns the game's flawed camera…
Mickey Mouse is no Super Mario. He's the star of a more unusual kind of game on the Nintendo Wii, a game that starts…
Artist Len Peralta commemorates this week's release of Epic Mickey by adding creator Warren Spector to his "Geek a…
There are a lot of things to love about upcoming Wii exclusive Disney Epic Mickey. Among my short list? That the…