The debut trailer for Batman: Arkham City just aired at the 2010 Video Game Awards. Batman's nemesis this go…
Undoubtedly, the Spike Video Game Awards' Best Music Game was going to go to The Beatles: Rock Band, and the show…
I'll respectfully disagree with Geoff Keighley, the announcement of Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 doesn't quite deliver…
Big ups to reader Philip C. for spotting something my sandy eyes missed this morning when I was doing Weekend…
Geoff Keighley's stoking buzz for tonight's Video Game Awards on Spike (8 p.m. U.S. Eastern). Since we already know…
THQ's acclaimed UFC 2009 Undisputed is up for a Video Game Award, which make's Spike's broadcast this Saturday the…
How long until our generation starts a VGA pool, the way Oscar pools are now run? Here are my picks for tonight's…
In addition to the Gears 2 rumor, attentive spies listening to the VGA rehearse logged a slew of award winners. We…
Geoff Keighley went on Major Nelson's podcast to tease a bunch of details for tonight's Video Game Awards. Working…
The New York Times has an interesting, albeit meandering, look at this Sunday's Video Game Awards show in their…