Valve just rolled out what they’re calling “The Discovery Update 2.0" on Steam. It revamps the front page of the…
Steam’s cheating community is a network worth millions of dollars every year, and the shadowy rabbit hole goes…
Turtle Rock Studios must be cleaning out some old closets now that they’re done with Evolve, because three days ago…
We’ve heard rumblings of a big Steam update on the horizon, and details are beginning to trickle in. Apparently it’s…
It’s almost Halloween! You know what that means: video games for scary cheap prices. Or just regular cheap prices,…
As part of the latest patch to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive , Valve has made changes to their policy for bad…
A few months ago, Valve finally got around to cracking down on Counter-Strike skin gambling, a sketchy secondary…
Counter-Strike is a game of skill and precision. In theory, it’s the sort of shooter where, if something goes wrong,…
The latest patch for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive brings back a long absent feature: graffiti and sprays. They…
It’s been more than a month since TI6, Dota 2's largest tournament of the year. After a number of team roster…
Steam developers were given a heads-up over the weekend that Valve’s online marketplace is about to be getting some…
A long forgotten Valve project is now playable after 13 years in limbo. Based on an old school Quake mod, Half Life:…
It’s been a dramatic handful of days for Steam. Infamous shovelware developer Digital Homicide sued 100 Steam users…
Last week, Valve made some big changes to Steam reviews. Developers, especially, didn’t love them.
Come with me, friends. Come with me on a journey.
Valve has removed Digital Homicide’s games from Steam following news of their lawsuit against 100 anonymous Steam users. “Valve has stopped doing business with Digital Homicide for being hostile to Steam customers,” the company told Kotaku.
Valve just dropped the hammer on Counter-Strike cheaters. Big time.
Valve has spent this year slowly revamping Steam reviews, and the latest change is a biggie: by default, reviews…
British Telecommunications, a multinational mega-conglomerate with origins dating back to the 1800s, is suing Valve,…
Kindred Spirits on the Roof was touted as being the first ‘erotic game’ released on Steam in its original uncensored…