This whale does not sleep on the job. Not when that job is your ultimate destruction. As seen on Twitpic, via IndieGa…
Social sites and massively multiplayer online games aren't just a great place to catch up with friends and be…
Japanese Harvest Moon publishers Marvelous Entertainment has unleashed Followars onto the iPad, a two-player game…
Sega is letting the Virtua Fighter faithful update their friends and foes on their fighting game accomplishments,…
Russian President Dimitri Medvedev joined Twitter today. Why? Maybe because, according to his Twitter feed, he…
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A spoof tweet from a faked BP public relations account, which has gotten lots of followers in the past week, not all…
You know who's a huge and vocal fan of Call of Duty? Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco. In fact, if…
Imagine you are at large electronics store in Japanese otaku mecca Akihabara. Imagine you go to the bathroom and…
You have zero followers on Twitter right now. And you are following zero people. Check if you don't believe me.
EA Canada is offering to immortalize 50 people in virtual spray-paint or sharpie in Crysis 2, under a Twitter promo…
Reading Kotaku through a browser is so obvious. Now, we've got a handsome e-mail newsletter. Subscribe via the "Get…
Via Twitter, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling just mentioned that Modern Warfare 2 gamers have logged more than 1.75…
Even those who find social networking tool Twitter a vapid waste of time might be interested in this, a new…
Funny, I think the same thing can be said of NPR's music and book reviews. Via Fake AP Stylebook, which anyone in…
Did you know Kotaku has Facebook and Twitter pages? Neither did I!!! OK, I did, but I bet some of you didn't.
What was everybody (on Twitter) talking about during this year's GDC? Game researcher Jesper Juul offers his annual…
With the NSA's Third Echelon taking the hunt for Sam Fisher to Facebook, the protagonist of Splinter Cell:…
Experience the thrill of social networking and casual gaming convergence with Tweet Defense, an iPhone zombie tower…
It's March. For half of the globe the weather is getting warmer. It will be spring before you know it! And before…