Tons of Twitter bots are still just pictures of boobs asking for your credit card information, but programmers have…
Fortnite’s big space mystery continues to ramp up and baffle people. Today, players looking up will notice there’s…
The excellent Supper Mario Broth—a blog dedicated to weird and fun tidbits of Nintendo history—has had its Twitter…
“Girls have officially ruined Fortnite mobile,” a Twitter user named Michael recently declared. “Girls in my school…
Back in September 2017, one Twitter user informed the world that she was “suckin dick while my man plays 2K.” At…
A picture is worth 1,000 words and a good Simpsons picture is worth one kwyjibo. An intrepid Twitter user is turning…
On today’s episode of Fave This, I’m joined by special guest Danika Harrod from Waypoint. In between talking about…
Anyone up for a game of Cool Spot Buries the Bodies or Don’t Make the Dog Happy?
PlayStation had its Twitter and Facebook accounts compromised earlier today.
In 2014, we published a list of video game people to follow on Twitter. I’m not sure I’d give the same advice today.…
What are the best Twitter accounts to follow if you’re into video games? We ran what is now an amusingly dated list back in 2014. Who would you list these days? “No one” would be a funny answer, but we’ll take real suggestions in the comments, too.
Twitter can be a pretty awful place. The Subtweet Game makes the worst parts of it into a romance game.
The next time you want to skip those animations, World of Final Fantasy players, think of the poor artists.
Over the weekend, Naughty Dog artist Alex Neonakis started getting nasty Twitter messages from GamerGaters and other…
Titanfall’s official Twitter account is taking a rather active approach to their marketing. The account is messaging…
Today, it appears Square Enix Europe found itself the victim of a Twitter hack.
With many popular brands struggling to find a voice on social media, Arby’s spent 2016 charming an entirely new…