After two Lego Star Wars games covering a movie trilogy each, can Star Wars: The Force Awakens carry an entire Lego…
After two Lego Star Wars games covering a movie trilogy each, can Star Wars: The Force Awakens carry an entire Lego…
Star Wars Episode VII’s main story is great and all, but have you heard about how dashing Resistance pilot Poe…
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ version of Kylo Ren can be a bit intimidating, but deep down inside he’s just a…
Just like the movie, Michael Peña’s Luis completely steals the show in the currently PlayStation exclusive LEGO…
With 18 LEGO movie games released since 2005, the developers at TT Games are constantly finding new ways to spice up…
As a movie-based LEGO game, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers doesn’t go far off script. As a Marvel Comics fan service vehicle…
If you understand this reference, you should probably play LEGO Marvel’s Avengers. I’m currently battling the urge to collect all the bits while playing through the game for review, but in terms of pure Marvel cinematic universe fan service it’s a magical place.
I was a little worried about how a LEGO game mainly based on the Avengers film franchise would compare to the…
The release of the Doctor Who level pack for LEGO Dimensions unlocked some wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey cartoon…
The LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who level pack plays out like a television episode, and like any television episode it…
How can TT Games make a LEGO game equal to rival the size and scope of LEGO Marvel Superheroes with only the two…
Gandalf, Batman and Wildstyle walk into the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.
Tonight at midnight $465 worth of LEGO Dimensions product goes on sale. How much does one need to pay to have a good…
Valve’s homicidal disk operating system doesn’t do “cameo” or “guest star.” The moment GLaDOS arrives in LEGO…
Or LEGO Jurassic World if you’d rather use the boring official title. Just don’t expect an invite to Motoraptor…
I would have said awesome, but she’s watching us. She’s always watching us.
The first trailer for LEGO Marvel’s Avengers sticks to the scripts. Coming this winter (no longer fall) to everywhere LEGO video games go, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers injects the plots of the first two films with a heaping helping of brick-based silliness. Can it possibly top the amazingly expansive LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
I was a little worried that LEGO Dimension’s gadgets and vehicles would be one-time builds, toys you assemble once…
How much delight can one pack into five minutes? Watch and learn.
They're called LEGO Fusion, and their big new feature is the ability to digitize your structures—to put them on your…