Most Transformers, third-party or otherwise, have two modes. A select few score three. But when they're really…
This custom variation of a Gundam 30th anniversary figure sure is something. It lights up, yeah, but the fact its…
Pieced together from some 525 individually engineered components and ringing up at a massive $525. Sideshow's…
Today at Toy Fair 2015 in New York City, one of the Transformers most imposing figures—the Constructicon combiner…
And you thought the lightsaber from the Episode VII trailer was dangerous. Announced today at Toy Fair in New York…
New LEGO Star Wars sets are coming out every year, yet there are still iconic buildings, ships or minifigures…
Earlier this week I took my first steps into the world of pricey third-party Transformers with something pink…
Across its handful of properties Blizzard has some of the most iconic characters in gaming. It's free-to-play MOBA …
Computers and displays hanging on the walls, chaos that is somehow organized, rusty post-indusrial techno-junk lying…
Challenging the notion that fans can't spend enough money on Transformers, the third-party transforming robot market…
Hardcore fans already know this, but Transformers weren't always Transformers.
It's easy to crank out a next-day t-shirt for a major Super Bowl happening, but assembling bricks in the form of the …
Back in November I told you we were dangerously close to getting an official LEGO set based on the adventures of…
It's one thing to build a model of the U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek with LEGO bricks. It's another to build it…
Wandering around New York earlier this week, I found myself in the vicinity of the Nintendo World Store. I thought…
It's going to take 2,996 Lego bricks to make this miniature version of the headquarters of the Marvel Universe's…
Captain America: The Winter Soldier was one of my favorite movies from last year, so when I learned that Hong Kong…
Two years ago Hasbro asked Transformers fans to vote for a brand new character to join either the Autobots or…
Dragon Ball Z's second major story arc, the Namek Saga, is one of the best in the series. Spanish enthusiast Juanpe…