The gloriously-named ZaziNombies YouTube channel creates LEGO versions of video game weapons, among other things.…
LEGO veteran mortesv decided to build the EF76 Nebulon-B frigate, the well-known Rebel medical ship from the Star…
Coming June 1, the LEGO Minecraft Village is a $199 box containing 1,600 pieces used to create something an…
If you’re going to make an action figure based on knife/porn fodder like Metal Gear soldiers, you need to get the…
Here are some nice LEGO versions of essential medieval buildings from Age of Empires II by a group of LEGO…
Over the weekend Hasbro was at Botcon 2016 showing off new toys. LEGO builder Joe Perez prefers the classics, like this transformable LEGO Soundwave compete with cassette companions. Check out his Flickr for the whole set (via The Brothers Brick.)
Now that we’ve finished celebi-ting the third month of the year-long celebration of 20 years of Pokémon, it’s time…
Which is stronger, my unrelenting excitement over new LEGO products, or my apathy towards the upcoming Angry Birds…
Daigo Umehara is getting his own piece of fancy merch later in the year, when statue company Kinetiquettes releases…
It’s a small, blocky world. LEGO has officially unveiled its eagerly-anticipated line of Disney minigiures. The 18 figures will be available in blind bag form this May.
In an era when LEGO is a better investment than gold or company shares, a superpower that can transform matter into…
Time’s almost up for the second Mythical Pokémon in this year’s monthly celebration of two decades of pocket…
LEGO artist Chris McVeigh’s Double-Decker Basket, “So everyone can collect eggs together and be bunnies.” Check out C…
Everything’s in its proper place in LEGO builder Cecile Fritzvol’s StarCraft II map. The factory and the barracks…
With a game by developers who’ve worked on Elite Beat Agents and Gears of War and toys—real articulated action…
As the tiny LEGO version of the castle in the sky rotates, a music box beneath is playing the theme tune of the…
Though it seems as if Hot Toys is straying a bit from their normally excellent attention to detail and articulation…
Or are they? Japanese Pokémon Centers and Amazon Japan (via Siliconera) will begin taking preorders for stuffed…
No doubt the gates of Orgrimmar were the inspiration for this fantastic custom LEGO fortress made by burlogh. Iron…
Giant Man helps Iron Man and Captain America work out their issues with fighting in the recently-released Captain…