We rarely get to see the process by which a video game is pitched to a publisher, even today in an age of…
The first Battlefield game, Battlefield 1942, was released in 2002. Nearly ten years ago! Yet while it was the first…
You have died of dysentery.
The year was 1993. Street Fighter was one of the biggest things on the planet, and venerable toy franchise GI Joe...w…
Vietnam is a war that still looms large in the American psyche, both in terms of its impact on modern history and…
Forget many of the more modern "arcades", full of skill-testers and UFO catchers. Sometimes you just want to play…
Around the turn of the millennium, Namco showed off an arcade game that looked like it had fallen out of the 22nd…
The Last Starfighter is my favourite video game movie of all time. But it had to fight, almost to the death, to…
British actor Clive Owen is a badass. A man's man. He's got a deep voice, a heavy face, and is usually in movies…
When you think about it, commercial video games are usually pretty harmless. Sure, they can be violent, but there's…
Today is a day a lot of folks will be remembering the good, the bad and the downright inspirational from the company…
We've seen title art from modern games. And from NES games. Today, we're hitting the ground somewhere in between…
It's not every day you get to play a new id game. If you're not counting iPhone games (and we're not counting iPhone…
Canadian developers BioWare are known today for blockbuster series like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and the upcoming Star…
Today's Total Recall won't be about video game history. It's about dealing with what happens when video game history…
Even though Zelda has killing and even Mario has head-stomping, when you think about it, nearly all of Nintendo’s…
Zork is one of the oldest adventure game franchises there is. The series is so old, in fact, that aside from a few…
Our younger readers won't have lived through it, but the 1980s were in in many ways a bleak time, the spectre of…
Over the past thirty years there have been plenty of memorable Star Wars games, from the Super Star Wars series to…
With the Tokyo Game Show having just wound up, I thought today would be a good time to look back to 1996, when for…