Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto may not be leaving Nintendo or the games industry entirely, but the news that he's…
Today, GamePro magazine ceases to be. Which for lovers of print is a bit of a sad moment, given the fact it's been…
There's a charm to fighting games that's irresistible. I mean, aside from all the face-punching, the character…
The original logo for the original Atari (as in, not the watered-down ghost we know today) is, for the…
Forget the woeful American cover for a minute, and instead let's focus on the Japanese and European box art for PS2…
There's a rumour going around that Sony is set to take on Nintendo's Smash Bros. series with a fighting game…
Much has been made, and rightly so, of the involvement of Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli with Level-5's PS3 RPG Ni…
In an industry where games barely even a month old are slashed in price then swiftly forgotten, World of Warcraft is…
WARNING: This post contains mild Modern Warfare 3 spoilers.
Last week wasn't just the tenth anniversary of the Xbox. It was the tenth anniversary of the North American release…
The Xbox is ten years old this week. For those who have enjoyed playing games on either the original console or its…
They don't seem that similar aside from the fact they're printed on cards, and they were never really competition,…
Later this week, the fifth game in the Elder Scrolls series will be released. Considering the franchise is seventeen…
In 1987, Durell Software released a game called Saboteur II: Avenging Angel. Don't worry if you haven't played the…
Activision's Call of Duty franchise occupies a fascinating place in the gaming landscape. It is the world's…
It's fashionable these days to hate Activision. But those over the age of, say, 30-35 may be old enough to remember…
The Nintendo Entertainment System, and its Japanese sibling the Famicom, were two of the most successful video game…
Later this week, the asteroid YU55 will pass close to the Earth. How close? Like, between the moon and the Earth…
The third game in the Uncharted series is out this week, and will once again bring to the fore the adventures of a…
You've seen the bad of the Street Fighter craze of the early 90s. Now see the good. No, not good. Amazing.