Look, video game names have always been a little silly. And likely always will be. But this past console generation…
Eidos Montreal, the studio behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Thief, has just cancelled a third game they had…
Folks aren’t sure if the new Thief game is going to recapture the past glories of the old-school larceny franchise…
The Dark Mod has long been one of the most famous PC mods around. Using Doom 3 as a base, the idea was to transform…
Hey, here's where there should be some good news! The upcoming Thief game, which already has people a little worried,…
My greatest hope for the coming next-gen consoles is that they will surprise us. I hope that we haven't guessed all…
Release Date Announcement: We just got word from Square Enix that Thief will release on February 25 of next year. You can watch the new Gamescom trailer released in tandem with the news right here.
Tangiers, an ambitious, surrealist stealth game from a two-man studio called Andalusian out of Bristol, seems like…
I'm going to level with you. I have no idea if the next Thief game is going to be any good. And that's not for a…
Already slated for release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, Eidos Montreal's Thief is now confirmed to be launching simultaneously on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well. What, no Wii U?
Not that we expected anything else. I mean, this is Thief. It's hardly going to be about unicorns and puppies. But…
So far, all we've seen of the upcoming Thief game during E3 is an impressive but gameplay-free cinematic trailer.…
My E3 hotel room key is brought to me by Thief. Very reassuring. I'm sure all my valuables are safe.
Recently revealed to (still) be in development for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well as the PC, the troubled Th…
We'd been hearing rumors that the new Thief was in trouble, which made for a worrisome combination with the findings…
Steampunk games that feature steam-powered machines and settings in an alternate history of the Wild West or the…
From Solid Snake to Sam Fisher, it seems there's a case of "New Voice Actor-itis" going around. Thief will be the latest game to feature a new voice actor in a beloved, iconic role. Rock, Paper Shotgun takes a deeper look. Read more
This is the first trailer for Thief, coming next year for next-gen consoles and PC.
Back in 2011, I did an illustrative feature on Nicolas Ferrand, a concept artist at Eidos Montreal. At the time, I…