Here is a house so bizarre, so broken in its design and execution that when Sims actually try and live in it the…
Here is a house so bizarre, so broken in its design and execution that when Sims actually try and live in it the…
Nitpicking is easy. I can always spot the one dirty dish in an otherwise flawless kitchen. Likewise, small flaws in…
If you’re playing a straight female Sim in The Sims 4, finding someone to date can be difficult. Many of the…
Whenever I get a crush on someone, I usually secretly add them to whatever game of The Sims I’m currently playing.…
The Sims series has featured pop songs re-recorded in the fake language of Simlish since The Sims 2, and The Sims 4's…
With every new Sims expansion, there comes new bug fixes. Just before the Seasons expansion launched last week, The…
The new Sims 4 expansion introduces holidays into the game. More importantly, it lets you fuck Santa.
The Sims 4's latest expansion, Seasons, gives the game the rhythms of a passing year. While it might seem like a…
One of the favorite pastimes of The Sims’ community is to talk about how good the older games are. While there are…
Sims fans are excited as hell for the upcoming Seasons expansion pack. It’s been long awaited, given that every game…
The Sims 4 will get its own Seasons expansion, a long-running Sims tradition, this June, publisher EA said today.
One of the public facing members of The Sims’s dev team took to the forums to address rumors of the end of The Sims 4…
The April 17 Sims 4 patch made a host of changes, among them fixing a bug that caused parents to check toddlers over…
I downloaded The Sims Mobile to see if it would let me trap a virtual person in a bathroom-less building. Now I’m…
10 years after his last game, designer Will Wright is back with a new project called Proxi, a mobile game where…
Starting with The Sims 3, sims have traits to help shape their personalities. Sims can be Romantics, more prone to…
Jungle Adventure is the latest game pack for The Sims 4. It’s a vacation world, meaning your sim can go for a few…
In The Sims 4, you can become an astronaut, make friends with ghosts or turn into a vampire. One thing you can’t do…
A new game pack for The Sims 4, Jungle Adventure, will be released on February 27th for Mac and PC. You’ll be able to take your sims on some Indiana Jones-esque quests on this one, and apparently also take home some bejeweled skeletons. I’m into it.
The Sims 4’s newest update added ten new, darker skin tones, as well as a new curly hair, to a game that had had not…