Making weapon replicas, or building armor sets from Skyrim, or any other Elder Scrolls game is one thing, but creating a whole shelf of Elder Scrolls potions, scrolls and books is some next level stuff. Here's Faasnu's shelf, featuring tons of potions and even the Mysterium Xarxes from TES IV: Oblivion. Read more

You can add just a few mods to Skyrim, or you can do this. At first it's a bit hard to count all the things that don't necessarily fit the setting. And no, you can't open the TARDIS with a Keyblade. Read more

If you haven't been keeping up with screenshot superstar Dead End Thrills, head on over and see what's new. He's got some great stuff from Skyrim (like the one up top), as well as some excellent shots that capture the striking look of DMC. Read more
