I know, we ran one of these only a few weeks ago, but that was but a taste. An appetiser for the main course that is…

Later this week, the fifth game in the Elder Scrolls series will be released. Considering the franchise is seventeen…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has a collector's edition. And that collector's edition has a strategy guide. One Kotaku…
This is becoming the year when every single major game goes on sale before it is supposed to. I'm sure it's…
The thing about games as big as The Elder Scrolls titles is that you can do a lot of morally questionable stuff in…
And now the figures you've all been waiting for! Bethesda's Pete Hines has tweeted the minimum and recommended PC…
You'd be amazed at how fast a game developer and a quality assurance tester can burn through The Elder Scrolls V:…
A Reddit user has posted what looks like the final retail manual for the upcoming Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Now,…
Reportedly obtained via Russian (where else) collector's edition copies of the game, here's what's likely your first…
As games near release, the last of their bugs and kinks are ironed out. Some of those remaining are a pain in the…
We already know that the next Elder Scrolls game's going to suck up a bunch of your time. Days, weeks, maybe even…
In today's bootleg edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Mellowguy wants to know if downloading an illegal copy…
If you buy the expensive collector's edition of the new Elder Scrolls game, you'll get a 200-page art book full of…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the sort of game that requires top-tier voice talent to work, so Bethesda Softworks…
While the next game in the Elder Scrolls series won't be out until November, you can start preparing for your…
In today's totally timely episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Mindsale would like to have a word with the…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector's Edition, as seen on the Bethesda Blog, won't just fill a store shelf, it is…
In preparation for the worldwide launch of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim this November, Bethesda has assembled an army…
The downloadable love affair between Bethesda and Microsoft continues with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, as the first…
Unlike its predecessor, Oblivion, the next game in the Elder Scrolls series will let you make friends. Some friends…