The creators of Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers have not given up on the video game development business. In fact,…
Remember back in September when The Behemoth calmed our fears about Castle Crashers' shaky online multiplayer,…
Here's a feel-good story for the day. Castle Crashers has now found its way into 250,000 homes, an incredible number…
Hot from the Not News Department of the Kotaku press room comes word that Castle Crashers is going mainstream. That…
Right now, The Behemoth are busy fixing the online problems plaguing the fantastic Castle Crashers. Once they're…
Castle Crashers is great. So much fun. Sadly that fun is often tempered by serious technical glitches in the game,…
The Behemoth's last game - Alien Hominid - wasn't fun. Looked good, but wasn't fun. It was the gaming equivalent of…
Alien Hominid came out aaaages ago on Xbox Live Arcade. Did OK for itself, but really, as good as it looked it was…
Castle Crashers is proving rather popular with the XBLA crowd, but it is fair to say that it has had a difficult…
The Behemoth aren't fools, they understand that adding ninjas not only adds awesomeness, it compounds it.…
The highly anticipated Xbox Live Arcade title Castle Crashers has just gotten its gold wings from the ESRB. Xbox…
The cartoony multiplayer side-scrolling brawler, promising one of the deepest gameplay experiences of any Xbox Live…