...and he comes from a long line of ninja. He's from a family of ninja. And this family has a special ability to…
The Tokyo Game Show is many things, and classy is generally one of them. The show's a safe, friendly, clean place to…
Normally, we'd slave over a snappy headline to lure you in. Something with "boobs" or "first this or that" or…
The Tokyo Game Show has officially ended for us, but that doesn't mean it has to be over for you. We still have…
One of the fourteen "unannounced" titles that Sony had on display at this year's Tokyo Game Show was Minna de…
LocoRoco 2 is an awful lot like LocoRoco. Sure it has a German blob and swimming and a rhythm game, but all of that…
Mike played Bionic Commando a few months back, at a Capcom press event. Said it looked great, but had a few problems.…
Jamzy is known for two things: Being Japan's number one Xbox 360 fanboy and his haircut. In this Justify, Jamzy…
The Kid's Corner at TGS is a special place. Reserved for small kids and their parents, it's a place free from loud…
We're sure the EA booth companions at Tokyo Game Show had great personalities. Lovely girls, the kind you could take…
With something like a billion versions of Q Entertainment's Lumines published on various platforms, we won't fault…
As the clock struck 5pm on Sunday evening, the 2008 Tokyo Game Show drew to a close. But as the public streamed out…
I know, a demo's already out, but I hadn't had a chance to download it, so one of the first games I ran for this TGS…
Home should not be shown at trade shows. Absolutely not. Not under any circumstances. Why? Because it is boring.…
Every night as the 5 p.m. hour winds around and the show begins to wrap up, the speakers begin to pump out an…
Those Tecmo girls? Sure, they were easy on the eye, but flashing skin is so cheap. And cheap is something Konami are…
We're done counting the tens of thousands of votes you people cast in our "What The Hell Are These Guys Watching?"…
Yesterday, I got the chance to sit down for tea and biscuits with Akinori Nishiyama, producer on Sega's upcoming…
The press has abandoned Tokyo Game Show, but the public hasn't. The business days have been a dud and two-thirds of…
One of the better booths at last year's TGS was Microsoft's. Mostly because they had a neat wall, which was…