Zombie adventure and critically-acclaimed GOTY candidate The Walking Dead has made waves all year for its top-notch…
The Walking Dead is a very buggy game, and despite the critical acclaim (and non-stop Game of the Year awards), some…
Telltale's The Walking Dead game may have won its share of year-end awards and accolades, but it's not without some…
Let Dave Fennoy, Lee's voice actor in The Walking Dead and Gabriel Tosh's voice actor in StarCraft II, excite you…
Now that the first season of The Walking Dead is over, it's natural to ask the question: Did my choices even matter?…
Telltale's fantastic Walking Dead game was a surprise for several reasons. Not only did it reverse the studio's…
It's no accident that Telltale's The Walking Dead game refers to its five-episode run as a "season." The whole thing…
If there's anything Telltale's The Walking Dead game has taught me about myself, it's that come the post-apocalypse,…
Many of us here at Kotaku are fans of Telltale's episodic Walking Dead game. It's been one of the most welcome…
When I play Telltale's excellent The Walking Dead game, I rarely get hungry. There just aren't that many appetizing…
I know this dance. I've been here before, I've seen this play out. I know how it's all going to end, and for that, I…
Zombie-and-depression lovers rejoice: The second, promising-looking episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead series…
Last week at E3, I had a chance to sit with the folks at Telltale and watch the first 20 minutes of episode 2 of The…
Telltale's Walking Dead video game has been great so far; better and truer to the source material than the…
I wanted to like the television adaptation of The Walking Dead when it premiered on AMC back in 2010. I like…
Telltale Games' take on Jurassic Park was supposed to hit in April, bringing prehistoric episodic fun to gamers. But…
The Telltale Games factory has added one more property to its lengthy episodic games portfolio, NBC crime procedural…
Back to the Future will take players back to Hill Valley with Marty McFly and Doc Brown. It's hard to know if the…
As part of a promotion for Telltale's Back to the Future game. As seen on CNET via Bleeding Cool.
Telltale, developers of the episodic series of Sam & Max, revealed today that not only is there a third season of…