Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: GunFlame details how moving can disrupt your video game life in unexpected ways. And Crisco offers another round of in-depth next-gen console comparisons. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Stormborn isn't only making Super Mario Brothers characters look cool in his redesign series. He's making the levels and tertiary assets look awesome, too. J*Rod shares a Star Wars remix of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that's got some Force to it. And… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: PS4? Whatever. Aikage sings the praises of the Vita and thinks you should get one. AstroKid248 shares some of her cosplay craftsmanship. And PocoGrandes shares an excellent comics and manga gift guide. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Handy with a pencil? GiantBoyDetective is looking for an artist collaborator for his webcomic. Internet stardom awaits! (Maybe.) Marsh Naylor visits the set of a webseries where you have to eat cat food if you suck at video games. And Stormborn… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: GiantBoyDetective gives us his own review of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, along with a gallery of video game-centric gingerbread men. And Ellen J. Miller pens a lovely remembrance of what it meant to get the gift of gaming. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: as TAYizens share and compare their Black friday hauls, PyramidHeadcrab asks what people would play as in a hypothetical Pokémon MMO. Meanwhile, azureguy spots a very clever easter egg in the Steam Autumn Sale's background. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: derf_vader notices a rather unsavory easter egg in Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and Stormborn takes apart and puts back together the iconic Koopas as part of his Redesigning Super Mario Bros series. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Marsh Naylor promises that you can make your dream video game in three easy steps! KillerIri5h laments things from the Xbox 360 era that haven't crossed over to the brave new world of the Xbox One. And the Mushroom takes a look at a mysterious… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: JJtheTexan has a holiday gift review, Aikage shares a touching experience with The Walking Dead, and Cimeas makes a case for why Dragon Age II is actually one of the best games of the generation. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Amongst Yourselves, our reader-written blog: GiantBoyDetective aggregates critical reaction to the exclusive games for the Wii U , PS4 and Xbox One to see whose only-on line-up was the best. Raw Danger critiques the plot of Batman: Arkham Origins, finding a little too much familiarity in… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Zarnyx attends the new Zelda and Mario launches at Nintendo in NYC, truthtellah recaps the Xbox One launch for those who weren't paying attention, Stormborn's latest entry in redesigning Super Mario, and DocSeuss reviews PayDay 2 DLC and even comes… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: 720p vs 1080p may just be buzzwords but Comtar argues that buzzword fights have always mattered in video games. Read the Mushroom and see why you should never, ever eat fast food in Raccoon City. And My_Wet_Rooster looks at the history of video… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Marsh Naylor's rant about the PS4's most serious issue refuses to let the Wobble-stroversy die. Then, the TAY funnyperson shares the Mushroom's advice about how Cooking Mama can focus the homicidal rage of the holiday season. And S-Meister calls… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Who dislikes FPSes? TheUnfathomableTruth does and the explanation—a response to DocSeuss' Why I Can't Stand 2D Games—is right here. JJthe Texan takes a hard look at the Wii U, calling it an unwanted console. Harsh, dude. The Mushroom Kingdom's… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Stormborn's Super Mario Brothers redesign project continues in fine fahion, with a Princess Daisy that nobody would want to mess with. And Pink Zapper Helmet implores everyone to stop invoking Roger Ebert's name when it comes to video game,… Read more
Here's what's going on in Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: We had you covered on the news that came out of Spike TV's PS4 coverage last night, but truthtellah has a nice rundown of the entire event, 4DALULZIGUESSYOUKNOWWHATEVER has a conversation about next-gen worries, the hype machine as well as the… Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Comtar feels bad, not angry at Nintendo "fanboys," Rathorial talks about player agency through the lens of several last-gen hero games, Carter Brownlee explains the PS4 "wobble" situation a little more clearly, and here's the latest in Stormborn's "… Read more
We're nearing the end of our Last-Gen Heroes series, but that doesn't mean our readers have any less to say about…
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: The Mushroom reports on Bowser's plans for Thanksgiving, which should of course end horribly. Rathorial offers Last-Gen Hero kudos to Gears of War 3 and Aestevalis introduces you to "The Wrestling Torta." Mmmmm, tasty. Read more
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Stormborn makes Super Mario Brothers' bad guys look better in the latest part of his redesign project. Pink Zapper Helmet offers up insight on how the costs of video games prevents them from reaching a wider audience. And JJtheTexan shares info on a… Read more