Well, just fancy that. The results of the Xbox 360 Holiday Entertainment Survey are out and what do you know, this…
A new survey of portable gamers has revealed that for the most part "portable" can be defined as "will work on the…
A recent study commissioned by the Content Delivery and Storage Association (CDSA) and the Entertainment Merchants…
In June, Yahoo's 'lifestyle' site Shine hosted a Sony Online Entertainment survey into the gaming habits of US…
As study findings go this may not be rewriting any sociology textbooks - apparently, kids really like video games.…
Chris Bateman of Only A Game has spent a not insignificant chunk of time talking about the 'hardcore/casual' divide…
Hello there! My name is Brian Ashcraft. Now that you know all about me, we want to know all about you. That's right,…
Reader "shroom" wrote to us recently to let us know that he'd taken part in an online survey that asked his opinion…