Chinese super star Jackie Chan, singer, dancer, and all around movie star, has endorsed loads of products in his…
Console artist Zoki64 once made the prettiest Nintendo 64 (and GBA!) I've ever seen. He's back today, with one of…
This is SNESoIP, an open-source project put together by a pair of Germans that lets you play original SNES games,…
Monday, Jason Kidd gave the NBA his retirement notice. He and Grant Hill were the only active players this year that…
I think the Super Nintendo, at least the Japanese/European model, is one of the most beautiful pieces of consumer…
Compared to video game endings on the NES, the Super Nintendo stepped things up a bit. Thanks to the power of…
Let's imagine, for a moment, that Downton Abbey—a show set in the past—also had a game that's from... the past.…
Just look at that list. This eBay user says he's got all 721 Super Nintendo games ever released in the U.S., and he…
Lekki, a French company specialising in the restoration and resale of old electronic devices, has recently turned…
Embattled gamers have weathered many a console war over the past thirty years. But above the Xboxes and Gamecubes,…
Gaming is great fun. But sometimes it can totally piss you off. And you just want to Hulk Smash—but you don't.
Brought to you by the folks who brought us the Game of Thrones Super Nintendo RPG.
While in most areas the SNES and Mega Drive were similar enough, Nintendo's one secret weapon - that Sega couldn't…
That Super Nintendo box isn't real. Neither is the cartridge.
The North American Super Nintendo looked...OK. The Japanese and PAL version looked hot. Oh, how things could have…
This "Super Nincoffee Jr." case-mod won't brew you the perfect cup of joe, but apparently it will play Super…
The Angry Video Game Nerd's Mike Matei knows the Super Nintendo better than I did and spends a half hour in this…
It was a good war. A just war. It was, maybe, the last great war.
Behold, here are 13,000 Super Famicom era Japanese role-playing game characters stuffed into a single image. How…
Today seems like the perfect day to reminisce about Earthbound, a Japanese role-playing game that is best described…