The best examples of box art tend to be those with a timeless design. Those you can look at ten, twenty, even thirty…
Here is a full-screen version of Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 on several computer monitors. Just look at it all…
What would happen if you mashed up Mario and Seinfeld? Well, something like this, probably.
It's always amazing to see people take a game, turn it inside out and bend it to their whims. Mario is no different,…
These days it can feel like half the internet is made up of video game reviews. That wasn't always the case—after…
"There's always a man, always a flagpole, always a Princess..."
The people who make Super Mario 3D World want you to know that it's pretty great.
First 4 Figures and Nintendo are launching a new series of Mario statues, and what better version of of the iconic…
Apparently this went down at this year's GamesCom in Germany. 974 people played a custom Super Mario Bros. time…
There are things in the world that should never happen. Game designer Ethan Levy's "evil" Candy Crush-ized remake of …
It’s okay if you didn’t even know that there was a rock opera based on Nintendo’s most popular character. The…
Now, there's nothing wrong with the original Super Mario Bros. It's a classic. Still, I can't help but gush over…
Princess Rescue—that homebrew Atari 2600 homage to Super Mario Brothers—is now available through AtariAge as a $30 cartridge. An emulator ROM is on its way too. Read more
It is my personal opinion that Black Thought is one of the best rappers to ever step to the mic. You may disagree.…
You might have already known that Nintendo changed a few things when bringing NES platformer Super Mario Bros. 3 to…
Ah Mario; the Superman of video games. He’s the modest, iconic, do-gooder everyone loves. He's wholesome — a video…
Super Mario Bros., the 1993 film, paved the way video game movies for all time to come. Namely, that everyone would…
This is amazing. Tom Murphy created a computer program that actually learns how to play classic NES games on its…
Why is Luigi green? "...because of memory limitations, the second character had to be identical to the first character in appearance," says Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto. "And so we looked at that and said, 'Well even if we have the same character, we could potentially change the color of the character.' But again we… Read more
Grantland writes an interesting analysis of the old Super Mario Bros. movie. "Super Mario Bros. created a much more insidious template, one that's never been as prevalent as it is now: the simultaneous money-grub brand exploitation and fan-base slap in the face."