Street Fighter veteran Alex Valle remembers when fighting game players would crowd around arcade cabinets to face…
Street Fighter veteran Alex Valle remembers when fighting game players would crowd around arcade cabinets to face…
This past weekend, Compete hosted several Street Fighter pros and commentators at our offices for a public event…
Donkey Kong, Halo: Combat Evolved, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II have been inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. They were picked out of twelve finalists that included Final Fantasy VII, Mortal Kombat, Portal, Resident Evil, and Wii Sports.
It was 1992 and print was still alive and well with most people relying on monthly magazines for their gaming info.…
Players have had 26 years to break down Street Fighter II to its most base components, but it turns out there’s…
I beat he could kick some Prius ass.
Paul “Oatking” Johnson, aka the man responsible for that amazing Tie Fighter anime short, is working on a new…
Japanese comedy group No Motion has an interesting speciality. The duo likes to imitate anime and video games.
WWE wrestler Xavier Woods, noted enthusiast of the video games, unleashed a Street Fighter-style Hadouken on Aiden…
Fro Design Company have released a second series of old-timey travel posters based on Street Fighter II stages. They’re great!
Not the most obvious choice for some collectible statues, these, but then sometimes the best ideas are the ones that…
If you’ve listened to The Life of Pablo, Kanye’s new album, you might have noticed a few familiar voices barking…
Who do you think would win in a fight: Goku or Ryu? What about Goku versus Chun-Li? Or against Guile?
Brock Lesnar beat up a car on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw. You know who else does that? Street Fighter…
It's not everyday you can flip on your television in Japan and see major celebrities cosplaying as Street Fighter…
In Japan, "Dhalsim curry" recently went on sale. Dhalsim, of course, is the fire-breathing fighter from Street…
Sure, we all know that fish love playing Pokémon, but did you know that they also throw down in Street Fighter II?…
What did Ryu do? Why is he grovelling? Because of a new series of collectible figurines.