Excited about mobile Spore? Well, if you're an AT&T customer, you're pretty much in luck, because AT&T has signed an…
Got to check out Spore running on iPhone at EA's E3 booth, a version of the game that focuses exclusively on the…
The Spore creators have started releasing prototypes, apparently modeled on certain parts of the title's overall…
Don't expect me to sum up Electronic Arts' E3 2008 presence in a couple of paragraphs. It's far too huge for just a…
As we've seen, the Spore Creature Creator is not just about making dicks. Oh no, you can make Xbox 360…
Vote TickleMeKotaku for a Better Tomorrow... Just a shameless reminder to vote for Kotaku's Spore creation, TickleMeKotaku, in the Celebrity Spore Contest. If our creation wins Electronic Arts will donate $10,000 to Child's Play and $5,000 to Jennifer Ann's Group. You have until July 18 to cram the ballot box. DO IT!
Last month Electronic Arts contacted me to see if I would be willing to create a Spore creature for charity. The…
Late last month I got a chance to sit down with Will Wright and a few other game writers to check out the full…
Spore can be used to re-create 360 controllers. Yay.
Spore can be used to re-create Wii-motes. Yay.
Back when we posted the Spore Creature Creator created Xbox 360 controller, that was a pretty big deal! Well, if…
Excited about Spore but dismayed by the low dollar specs? Who plays $50 games anymore? Fortunately, EA has upped the…
You want proof that people have far too much free time? Kotakuite Steven dropped us a line this morning to point…
Sonic, Master Chief, Goombas and, of course, Super Mario have all been added to the Sporepedia, reports MTV…
If you can get to the Apple Store in downtown San Francisco (1 Stockton Street) by 7 pm PDT today, you can catch a…
As we did with Miis and custom Forza Motorsport 2 paint jobs many moons ago, so are we now nearing the peal of…
OK. We get it. You like the Spore Creature Creator. Just don't like it too much too soon, OK? It's poor form to…
Hey! People aren't just using the Spore Creature Creator to make penis monsters. Creative kids are trading cocks for…
Penis creatures, creatures that are, well, fucking themselves, it's all a laugh. All to be expected when a company…
EA is tackling some issues with the EA Download Manager that is causing the full version of the Spore Creature…
Why is this Spore creature, crafted by PC Zone UK forum user Apophis_dd, so very happy? Perhaps because it's come…