Gamasutra has a fabulous postmortem up — easily one of the best I've read — on Tale of Tales' The Graveyard.
If you happen to be in Denver tomorrow, around noonish, and have nothing to do, you might want to swing by the…
L.B. Jeffries has a nice essay up on the idea of 'games as languages' — a combination of coercing players to take…
Well, militaries across the world may soon have a new war game to their arsenal, and it could have a trickle down…
In an interesting opinion piece over at GameSetWatch, designer Brice Morrison expounds on why it is that he…
L.B. Jeffries has a nice piece up arguing for more relevant and provocative settings in games in order to raise…
Kotakuite Daniel Novais sent me an email this past week, asking me to take a look at his "little short artsy game"…
Ian Bogost has a timely piece up on the issue of political-themed games, and their use — or lack thereof. Bogost…
It's a bit of a nostalgic day today at Kotaku (or maybe I've just done a poor job of getting out of the historian…
'Matthew Wasteland' of Magical Wasteland has a thought provoking essay up over at GameSetWatch on how we think of…
I sort of hope the Zero Punctuation knock-off dies a quick death, but reader Nathan M. sent us this video, which…
Ian Bogost has a short little note on a 'serious game' called Packaging Man, which was apparently intended 'to…
Ian Bogost has an interesting editorial over at Edge Online entitled 'The End of Gamers,' a title which he admits…
Ever wanted to decimate the world's population or see if you could develop a super-bug that would leave the globe…
A new report has been released on the utility of 'serious games' and in-game marketing in virtual spaces like Second…
Ian Bogost has an interesting essay up on Gamasutra, this one on the performative aspects of video games. The…
Chris Plante has posted a plea over at GameSetWatch - one for bringing more global entertainment to the West (well,…
Tale of Tales has an interesting little interview up with Takayoshi Sato, who was responsible for the art and CGI…
We've mentioned Jason Rohrer's weird little works before, in the form of Passage and Gravitation; now with his 'Game…