Artist GandaKris, kinda famous for her work customising Amiibo and turning them into cool and new figures Nintendo…
Last week, fans discovered that the latest Pokémon games reference beloved Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, who died in…
One of the most heart-warming stories in video games this year was the discovery in September that the Nintendo…
When a Switch owner named Setery told a gaming forum about how NES Golf randomly appeared on her Switch’s screen,…
In many ways, the Wii U was a flop. Passionate modders haven’t given up on the system, however. Instead, many have…
Back in 2015, Satoru Iwata passed away at the age of 55. That was far too soon, and he had still so much to…
Satoru Iwata died on July 11, 2015—one year ago today. Let’s look back at the former Nintendo president’s storied career and remarkable accomplishments. I bet he would’ve really loved Pokémon Go.
There are lots of awards and drinks and congratulations going on at the Game Developers Choice Awards tonight, but…
Back in 2014, Nintendo announced it would be releasing a new health-based platform sometime between 2015 and 2016.…
Earlier this year, beloved Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passed away. Tonight at The Game Awards, Reggie Fils-Aime…
Sometimes things don’t hit you until later. Much later.
Right now, fans are taking to social media to beg Nintendo with a single word. “Direct.”
Nintendo has told IGN that its Nintendo Direct videos, lovable PR blasts that became synonymous with former President Satoru Iwata, will continue, though “we have no details to provide now on who will be featured”.
July 16th and 17th were the wake and funeral of former Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. There’s no way Kirby and Smas…
“My mind went white and even now the reality hasn’t sunk in.” wrote Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai, recalling…
Thousands attended a two-day funeral service for the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata in Kyoto, Japan this week,…
This was the scene just inside the Nintendo World Store near Rockefeller Center in Manhattan on Wednesday afternoon.…
If you’re looking for a good cry this morning, look no further than Yoot Saito’s touching blog post about Satoru Iwata, as translated by NeoGAF user Zefah. “I wish I had a StreetPass feature that could connect with heaven.” Damn. Read more
After Satoru Iwata’s recent passing, a group of Russian fans decided to pay their respects by going to the Japanese…
By some measures, Satoru Iwata was the most successful video game creator to have ever lived: a kid who played Pong;…