Any doubts over the commercial viability of reviving a classic Lucasarts adventure game series have been blown out…
Don't be fooled by the "top ten" of this week's British sales charts. Because there's not ten games. There's only…
As we enter a bold new era for the humble PC sales chart, we find this week two games dominating all others atop the…
Still with the face-punching! Last time we checked, Fight Night Round 4 was dominating the British charts. This time…
No family game fun times last week in the UK. No, last week, Britain was all about the face-punching.
Perhaps because they couldn't be bothered, perhaps because they were becoming a joke, we don't know. But The NPD…
For the week ending June 20, The Sims 3 remained atop the British sales charts. No surprises there. But at #4?…
The NPD Group have released a list of the 20 best-selling games sold through traditional retail channels for the…
Seeing as The Sims 2 was still all over the PC sales charts, it should surprise none of you to find that the release…
Poor ol' Prototype. You'd think June would be a good month to launch a solid piece of new IP and, with Activision's…
Amazing what a week off can do for the PC sales charts. Not only does it allow them to all catch up and be on the…
The monthly NPD charts are handy for retail sales, but for digital sales? Useless! They're not covered. No, for that…
With Empire: Total War nowhere to be seen on Direct2Drive's charts, there's only a single game that made the top 10…
Get a load of this. New games on the British sales charts. New games everywhere. Pokemon, UFC, EA Sports…
Funny what happens when you're the developers behind Red Orchestra and you go and release a new game about zombies.…
Wii Fit is about to set some kind of sales record in the UK, but we couldn't care less. Because the most interesting…
And no, I'm not talking about Fallout 3. I'm talking about Interplay's Fallout Trilogy pack, which includes Fallout,…
Last week's British sales charts may, at first glance, appear grim reading. That is, until you cast your eyes down…
They do! While the NPD charts are, grimly, business as usual, the Steam and Direct2Drive charts are a mess, courtesy…
This time last year, you wouldn't put your money on an Atari getting a game in the British top 40, let alone the top…