According to a report on The Verge, former Xbox and Kinect staffers have for a year been working on a "wrist-worn…
The official web presence for the shooter/RPG variant of XCOM, a reboot concept that never seemed to capture gamers'…
Last night, Mojang, the studio that created Minecraft, hosted a big shindig at the Game Developers Conference,…
Yoichi Wada, Square Enix's president, is stepping down. The news came as a surprise. Wada has been Square Enix's…
According to what looks like a Jump Magazine leak (below), the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X is coming to the…
A top Electronic Arts executive, speaking at an investor conference, hinted that EA Sports could add "a couple of…
According to Taiwan's Digitimes, sources at the PS4's component makers are saying the plan is to begin shipping the…
A report earlier this morning, citing unidentified sources, suggested that Electronic Arts had terminated its Dead…
It's not unusual for a newly-revealed video game to disappear for eight months. It's not weird to be amazed by a…
You know what game was a lot of fun? Just Cause 2. But as delightful as it was, it had more than its share of flaws.…
Since Temple Run hit it big, the mobile markets have been flooded with endless runners—games in which the player…
Scuttlebutt has it that Microsoft is eyeballing an April date to reveal its next console, in an event similar to…
Sony Santa Monica seems to be insinuating that something God of War-related might happen at tonight's PS4 event. Read more
When you see a rumour end with the word "considering", it's always wise to tread cautiously. Because that word could…
Gamasutra today reported that several employees from Valve Corporation were laid off on Tuesday, terminations said…
This morning, Japan's Asahi News ran a story on the PS4. It included several things we've heard before, such as how…
Oh boy. If this is true (big if!), the PS Vita could be poised for, ahem, a monster comeback.
Call of Duty fansite Charlie INTEL is claiming that it managed to get hold of some screengrabs, taken while users…