Takedowns, wild jumps, drifting, branching shortcuts, car damage, online multiplayer and music from The Crystal…
Sam Fisher is on the phone with his daughter. He's talking about his feelings. He's telling her he worries about…
Saints Row IV, much like its predecessor, is a game that doesn’t make any excuses for itself. It knows exactly what…
In an early mission of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, a deer clattered across the pavement of a wrecked college…
In a perfect world, this image would have a little yellow circle in the top left corner, and this article would be…
Tales of Xillia is pretty awesome. You should totally play it.
Our haunts say things about us: what we care about, what we value, what type of person we are. Sometimes, we want…
You can spend five dollars in Plants Vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time to advance from Ancient Egypt to the Pirate…
"Hulk smash!" Seriously, those were my first words upon opening the box containing my latest Hot Toys treasure. As…
Dunwall is a hard city full of hard people—a plague-rotted concrete prison inhabited by exhausted souls who…
The plan was to play it by the books: mask up, get in, get out. Grab six bags of cash, more if we're feeling…
Poor Luigi. Mario’s lanky counterpart is most often defined not by his own merits, but by his proximity to his elder…
What could possibly be more welcome than colorful geometric shapes with corners gently rounded for virtual safety?…
Vanillaware's tribute to classic side-scrolling action role-playing games has garnered a lot of attention over the…
I can't review Pikmin 3 just once. I won't. I'm going to review it seven times.
As E3 made abundantly clear, we are on the cusp of the transition to a new console generation. What consoles can do,…
Did you really think I'd let July 29 go by without a review of the most exciting fast food item to hit the market…
While an Unreal Engine 3-powered vampire hunting period piece set in an alternate 19th century Paris may sound…
Sex was gross, unknowable and weird. Yet, for some reason, I was supposed to want it. These were the lessons I…
My favorite character in Shin Megami Tensei IV didn’t make the front cover of the North American release. She’s not…