Well, that's it. Maingear's ultra-thin Pulse 17 has sealed my fate — I am completely ruined for thicker gaming…
Is the Lego Movie Videogame for you? It probably is if you can bring yourself to enjoy the following…
I've never played anything quite like The Last of Us: Left Behind.
Sometimes the best way to recommend a game is to break it down to its component parts. Take Danganronpa: Trigger…
I've never been less emotionally invested in a character than I am in Final Fantasy XIII's pink-haired powerhouse,…
There's an old saying: if it looks like a Final Fantasy, feels like a Final Fantasy, and sounds like a Final Fantasy,…
Fairy tale characters sure are into some weird stuff.
Cobra Commander was an incompetent buffoon; Destro a vainglorious bastard. The real power behind the Cobra…
This is what you wanted from Double Fine Adventure: A cartoony stylized world, lovingly rendered in 2D and fractured…
Back away slowly, America. These flavors — they are not for your ilk. Do not follow me into madness, for that way…
With a glut of Candy Crush Saga clones flooding iTunes, it was beginning to look like there was no more room in the…
Is there any greater event in the snacking world than the introduction of a new limited edition flavor of Oreo…
Proving once again that absolutely everything is better with careful application of hit points, magic and stat-based…
The original version of Assassin's Creed III: Liberation was one of those Little Games That Could. It debuted as an…
Few physical objects are as emotionally charged as children's toys. They absorb our memories and moods, holding them…
All the age of controller-enabled iOS gaming has given us so far is a pair of wraparound shell controllers that only…
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is available today on iOS and Android, giving mobile gamers a chance to race on…
While 2013 has been a pretty awesome year for movies and video games, on a personal level, it's been pretty crappy.…
Playing Max: the Curse of Brotherhood with the Xbox One controller feels a bit like running through an up-scaled…
I love watching the streets of SimCity 2013. The cars and people zipping by, streets stretching to the horizon. Look…