DC Direct know you, Resistance fans. They know you love Nathan Hale, know you love his alien foes, and know that…
This video walks you through some of the features which are broken down into two different modes:
In this unedited sit down with the folks at Insomniac we hear a bit more about the developer's future plans for…
Forgive us if we went a little overboard, or maybe underboard, with this first Holiday podcast. It started out with…
Starting December 22, GameBattles and Sony Computer Entertainment of America will host a Resistance 2 tournament…
If you can get through the four thousand "uhs" that kick off our latest podcast, you'll catch myself, Mike…
Sony and Insomniac Games are giving it away tomorrow, with snazzy Resistance 2 themes and map packs ripe for the…
Sony scares the living shit out the nice folks in Dublin. Ireland today, will full page advertisements for…
You may as well settle in. Just like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, it looks like LittleBigPlanet will be bringing us…
Gamasutra's Christian Nutt sat down with Insomniac CEO Ted Price at their recent community event; the discussion…
This week, when the ESRB reported new ratings guidelines, and two senators seem pleased, but if you're curious how a…
When the PlayStation 3 began shipping back in November of 2006, there was really only one must-have game for the…
That above is an Easter Egg in Resistance 2 that gives props to Metal Gear Solid 4 — as you can see, in reads…
Insomniac Games delivers the second Resistance just two years after the PlayStation 3 launched with the original,…
Insomniac's follow-up to the hands-down best launch title for the PlayStation 3 is in stores today, and in…
* And by complete, we mean complete complete. Sony says — and you may already have heard this figure tossed around —…
Resistance 2? Gears of War 2? Far Cry 2? The best shooter this holiday is Call of Duty: World at War — so say the…
First LittleBigPlanet, and now this. USA Today must have been quite fond of the attention they got by offering beta…
It's that time again! The time of the year for the big games to hit the shelves, and for the big mags and websites…
Check your e-mail inboxes, kids, and don't forget to scour those spam filters because the Resistance 2 beta is…