Neverwinter Nights 2 players will finally get their chance to explore one of the Forgotten Realms' most infamous…
Now that Microsoft's Days of Arcade promotion is just about over, Rare can finally get around to releasing…
The next chapter in the Riddick saga is ready to unfold, as Atari announces an April release for Assault on Dark…
EA's Phenomic studio has set a date for their upcoming real-time strategy meets card battles title BattleForge,…
The first of two new chapters in the Lara Croft saga comes exclusively Xbox 360 next month, as Eidos announces a…
Ubisoft's mysterious survival title I Am Alive for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, is apparently due out by…
Flower, the poetic new PlayStation Network titles from the creators of PSN favorite flOw has sprouted a release date
Criterion Games today announces an early February release date for Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box, gathering all…
Along with the news that the PC version of the critically acclaimed first-person adventure Mirror's Edge is now…
EA and Paramount Digital have announced the official ship date for their second game in The Godfather franchise,…
The Mui Mui are on the roll across the bottom of the ocean, embarking on a perilous journey that will see them…
PC gamers eager to get a taste of the innovative gameplay of Jonathan Blow's Braid will have to wait a few more…
The forces of Cosmos and the forces of Chaos square off as beloved characters from Final Fantasies past do battle…
Square Enix rectifies the sad fact that Europe has never seen an official release of their RPG classic Chrono…
Ever since Codemasters announced the initial delay of their action RPG Rise of the Argonauts, the new dates have…
With the European release of the ambitiously different MMORPG The Chronicles of Spellborn just around the corner,…
Midway is finally ready to give us a solid release date on Wheelman, which means our long struggle for another…
Enough with the teasing screenshots and videos already! What we need is a solid release date for Capcom's Street…
The "Best Wii Game" of the Games Convention in Leipzig is hitting stores next month, with EA Montreal and Black Box…
The battle for Middle Earth will soon be joined by forces from the human realms as EA's Pandemic Studios announce…