Bloomberg news reports that the hackers who carried out the attack on PlayStation Network rented a server from…
As the custodians of games that are completely unplayable during Sony's massive network outage, Sony Online…
They're sick of waiting. And now some are crossing over to the other side.
Online shooter Section 8: Prejudice had a very low-key release a few weeks ago, which may be down to the fact the…
It's been one of the worst-kept secrets in video gaming, but tonight it's been made official: there is a sequel in…
A rumor for now, but apparently the PSN is up for game developers, but "a bit shaky at the moment". This would jive…
Sony execs have already apologized to PlayStation customers by way of the company's official blog and with extremely deep…
Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning accused EA of "Sabotaging" his studio's game, Stranger's Wrath, in a conversation…
While the PlayStation Network security breach and subsequent downtime has had significant impact on many…
Warner Bros. is rolling out the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection this summer, bundling together Mortal Kombat, Mortal…
I don't normally pay much heed to Guinness' video game world records, because for the most part they come off as…

There are too many damn zombie games. But no matter how many there are, if one can come along and offer something n…
While Sony Computer Entertainment of America still isn't releasing a new timeline for getting their Playstation 3,…
What's the PlayStation Network downtime cost you? Some time playing games? It's cost Japanese publisher Capcom a lot…
The PlayStation Network has been down for a while now. We've been warned that it may be down for a little while…
The long-awaited futuristic FPS Brink highlights this week of releases, promising quadrillions of unique characters…
Sony is weighing whether to offer a reward for information on the hackers behind the massive PlayStation Network…
At this point, after 17 days with no end in sight, it's fair to ask the question. the PlayStation Network Outage, or…
Reuters' Japan bureau reports that hackers uploaded data they'd stolen from Sony servers during the PlayStation…
Kevin Butler, the voluble, if fake, PlayStation executive, has nearly 84,000 Twitter followers. His approval rating,…