Vous etes si belle, Aveline. Assassin's Creed: Liberation's HD facelift looks pretty impressive. The remastered version of the game that debuted as a Vita exclusive will be out next week for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Making weapon replicas, or building armor sets from Skyrim, or any other Elder Scrolls game is one thing, but creating a whole shelf of Elder Scrolls potions, scrolls and books is some next level stuff. Here's Faasnu's shelf, featuring tons of potions and even the Mysterium Xarxes from TES IV: Oblivion. Read more

Coming to PlayStation 3 on February 11, Far Cry Compilation is all the Far Cry games for $39.99. That's Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. All the cries, four times as far.
