Portal was a singleplayer game. Portal 2 adds co-op, but did you know it was at one stage also going to add…
Freshmen at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana this year will be required to read Gilgamesh, Aristotle's…
Oh man. If you were wondering how co-op would work in Valve's upcoming Portal 2, wonder no more. It works a little…
Portal 2 is playable at GamesCom, and while some people are playing it, others are filming it being played, so…
We now know how to make a Justin Bieber song sound good: slow it down 800%. But what happens when Portal's Still…
Gate Online, a South Korean online game Kotaku previously introduced, appears to take its cues from two Valve…
While this crossover would make Portal's combat clumsier, you'd imagine on the flipside it'd make running around…
Upcoming online game Gate has players create portals, here called "gates", to warp themselves to different areas in…
It's so simple; all you need is a mirror, some blue paint, and a love for Valve's masterpiece in virtual…
There are many games on the PS3 lining up to support either PlayStation Move or 3D. Or both! Valve's Portal 2,…
Video games, from Space Invaders to Bubble Bobble(!), invade the slopes and skate parks of Mt. Hood's High Cascade…
The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Quilt will never threaten to stab you and, in fact,…
Three-year-old Finley's hands might be too small for the mouse, but that doesn't stop him from kicking ass at both…
How many times did you watch that amazing Portal 2 trailer? Enough to catch a glimpse of an old friend?
The first Portal was a fun little puzzle game. It looks like Valve is taking the sequel a lot more seriously.
Reader Michael is so happy about Portal and Half-Life 2 coming to the Mac he sent us this picture. Seems Michael…
Children's choirs and soloists have worked their way through the end song of Valve's great puzzle game Portal, but…
Steam is now available on the Mac. Great news for people who only own a Mac, but what if you're like me, and own…
Portal may be free on the Mac for a limited time, but nothing's ever really free. It's just being subsidised.…
Don't want to wait for multiplayer in Portal 2? Some modders are privately testing out Team Fortress 2 equipped…