What Valve did this year seemed impossible: they improved on the perfection that was the first Portal. That feat…

Portal 2's Wheatley did not win an award at the Spike VGAs. Mildly disappointing, but then, given the Spike's…
Portal isn't just about science. It can also be about art, depending on how you look at it. And that's exactly how…
Their readers thought the best video game of 2011 was Skyrim, but the editors of Games Radar have picked Portal 2.…
Last week, I was so happy to publish a feature about the incredible screenshots of DeadEndThrills, a.k.a. Duncan…

Portal 2 comes in near the top of a lot of critics' "Best of 2011" lists—it was a joyously brainy, well-written and…
In Manhattan's Greenwich Village neighborhood sits Alamo, a giant cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal which dates back…

This one's a bit of a stretch… but then, what am I talking about? It's never a stretch when it comes to Valve.

What happens when one of the world's best tower defense games meets one of gaming's most beloved power-mad robotic…
Portal's Aperture Science got its start in 1953 producing shower curtains for the US Army. So it's poignant that in…

This video has been out there for a month or so, but I've never seen it and I bet a few of you haven't either.

Vector doesn't only have a customized bedroom, he has a Portal bedroom, complete with Companion Cubes and an…
Dead End Thrills, a great site for your downtime/wallpaper needs, is a bit of a favourite of mine. And for good…

If your Christmas gift guide needs an entry in the "stuff that sounds stupid at first but then you quickly realise…

Who needs a hostile little mobile phone when you can drop Portal's malevolent artificial intelligence onto a PC…
Don't you go forgetting that Valve Presents: The Sacrifice And Other Steam-Powered Stories goes on sale later this…

Roomie is, according to his YouTube page, "a Swedish guy who makes music videos." He releases a new one every…
Reader G.W. Smith points us towards this adorable little Portal headpiece, which can help the ladies (or long-haired…

For a relaxing time, sit back and watch this terrific PBS short documentary on the artistic merits of video games.…