You know that awesome Portal gun NECA was working on? The one everyone was excited about buying? As it turns out,…
The Simpsons in 2012 is a largely irrelevant force. Still, from time to time it at least tries to appear relevant.…
We recently reported that Mari0, the Super Mario Brothers-meets-Portal mash-up-game, had launched.
Announced back in August, Mari0—a full game of Super Mario Bros. played with a Portal gun—has released, and it…
While NECA rolled out a bunch of impressive Valve-licensed stuff, I was still charmed by the Portal 2 offerings…
The cake might be a lie, but this 1/1 scale Portal gun looks as real as one can get without being able to shoot…
To commemorate the opening of Skyrim's fancy new Creation Kit on Valve's Steam service, Bethesda and the creators of …
Nathan Drake has recently purchased a new MacBook, after talking to several of his friends about it for several…
Join Michael Winslow—the noise-making star from Police Academy—on a cursory run through The History of Videogame…
Portal 2's Cave Johnson rants about citrus fruit in this trailer for an "Electronic Combustible Lemon," which,…
Reader Adam is rightfully very proud of his new Portal-themed room, which doesn't just look like a part of the…
Welcome everyone to week 3 of the Kotaku Game Club's look back at Portal 2. In our third meeting we'll be talking…
Remember that round three of Kotaku Game Club's Portal 2 discussion series starts tomorrow at 4pm Eastern!
Nanotechnology engineering student TheObviousTrap created a 300 nanometer thick Aperture logo in an undergrad class.…
Creating orange and blue teleportation...hole...things like those found in Valve's Portal series sounds awesome,…
The nominees for the 2012 Game Developers Choice awards have been announced. The awards, which will be held at…
After several weeks of debate, discussion, and deliberation, Kotaku's 2011 Game of the Year Award came down to a…
Once again, Volpin Props knocks it out of the park. Though in this case, they've knocked themselves out of the park.…