A single button push takes a Portal 2 cube on an incredible journey through Ben Perry's astounding Rube…
Portal 2's latest DLC doesn't just include the chance to create your own maps, it includes the chance to run…
Man. I do like a good Portal 2 remix. This one, however, is on another level.
This has to be the coolest thing I will see today. I need at least two to stand guard by my apartment.
Not only…
We've seen some ridiculous creations in games where level editors are involved. Portal's version of this that was…
You know those really cheesy songs that you're not supposed to like, but they're too catchy not to? Jason's…
Today's the day when the amount of teleporting happening on computers anywhere will start increasing exponentially.…
Nothing's worse than thinking you're going to get something cool at a certain time and finding out that there's…
No new Portal or Left 4 Dead announcements either. Valve is attending the annual games conference, but won't be…
I have a pretty awesome laptop decal, if I may say so myself.
Cosplayers and model creators will all give you fairly similar advice to starting a new project. It begins with a…
Move over, Weird Al. Portal's autotuned robot is taking your job. At least until you release a video game-themed…
It's already been announced that Valve will be releasing DLC that lets PC and Mac owners create their own…
Given the fact Valve isn't in the business of making its own animated films (outside of TF2 advertisements), fan Alex…
Toy company threeA held a signing and showcase event over the weekend in Hong Kong, and present at the show were our…
Portal 2's creation suite is coming to the PC and Mac this May. To celebrate, here's a trailer, starring JK "Cave…
Action & reaction. Angles and speed. Momentum and inertia. Pinball is a game of physics. So is Portal. And that's…
Valve will release free Portal 2 downloadable content titled "Perpetual Testing Initiative" for PC and Mac on May 8,…
deviantART user wazzy88 just uploaded this beauty, and I immediately knew I'd have to have it.