If you play Portal 2 on PS3, you can play with people on a PC. Neat! And to make sure as many people as possible are…
Keyboard and mouse controls got you down? Yeah, didn't think so. But if millimeter precise motion control sounds…
Intel showed off today a new processor called "Sandy Bridge". Awful name, but it's a promising piece of technology.…
The first Portal's marketing and art design was all about minimalism. Cold, stark science. Portal 2's box art, on…
Portal 2 will be in stores on April 21, according to a press release from EA today. We've known the game is coming…
What happened at today's Spike TV Video Game Awards? New game announcements, first look trailers (some with actual…
February 2011's Portal 2 is now April 2011's Portal 2, according to publisher Valve. The PC, Xbox 360 and…
At the Penny Arcade Expo out here in Seattle, Valve Software is showing some Portal 2 co-op in action. I got to see…
Valve is at PAX this weekend, showing Portal 2's new multiplayer cooperative mode to the press and public. That…
Custom-made Portal shelf art, spied by reader martinf1 via Bob's House of Video Games.
Portal was a singleplayer game. Portal 2 adds co-op, but did you know it was at one stage also going to add…
Five more Portal 2 screenshots, from last week's Gamescom, where the February 2011 game was proudly shown by Valve…
Oh man. If you were wondering how co-op would work in Valve's upcoming Portal 2, wonder no more. It works a little…
Portal 2 is playable at GamesCom, and while some people are playing it, others are filming it being played, so…
Portal 2, delayed from a 2010 release, won't be out that far into 2011. The game will be out on February 9,…
There are many games on the PS3 lining up to support either PlayStation Move or 3D. Or both! Valve's Portal 2,…
The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Quilt will never threaten to stab you and, in fact,…
Valve's sequel to first-person puzzler hit Portal has more than just portals, cubes and more portals. In addition…
Get ready to think harder with portals in Portal 2. Now at your disposal in the first-person puzzler that we can wa…
What were our favorite games of E3 this year? Let's take a look!