The original Plants versus Zombies is a classic in China. Even before the Chinese version came out, the game was a…

I adore the music to PopCap's Plants vs. Zombies. I bought the soundtrack from composer Laura Shigihara, and I…

It's Christmastime, one of the few times where old-fashioned snail mail matters anymore. Some companies send clever…
An update to iPhone's Plants vs. Zombies hit today that adds the ability to play as zombies in the game, a new free…
To no one's surprise, the ever-present Plants Vs. Zombies is coming to the PS Vita. Sony and PopCap unveiled the…

Australian band Hey Geronimo have made a video that stars most of the iPhone's biggest and most recognisable…

From Zelda to Final Fantasy, we've seen plenty of dedicated video game orchestral concerts over the years. Only a…

It's an indie game geeksplosion as the woman behind the Plants Vs. Zombies music teams up with the programmer for…

It's Pumpkins Vs. Zombies as PopCap's zombie temp worker tries his hand at gourd gutting and cutting. Then a rave…
At GDC online this morning, PopCap co-founder John Vechey gave a keynote in which he discussed PopCap evolution…
42-year-old hockey fan Mike Schaaf was in the market for some more permanent body art to demonstrate his passion for…
Presumably as part of the coming together of Games for Windows and, you can now play four free "trial"…
What will the $750 million buy out of PopCap Games, makers of Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled, do to the beloved…
The undead people behind one of PopCap's most popular games, Plants Vs. Zombies, welcome EA's acquisition of their…
When you get bitten by a zombie, you turn into a zombie. It's one of the cardinal rules of the undead, but what if…
PopCap games is auctioning off art from its games for children's charities in the US and UK. The auction runs from…
There's a game for every kind of man. So why not show dad some love this Father's Day with a new one? Whether you're…
Kicking off a two week exclusive launch at, Android owners can score Popcap's award-winning flower…

Plants Vs. Zombies songstress Laura Shigihara was so impressed by Jonathan Coulton's ending theme "Want You Gone"…
What kind of relationship does Shunxiang Technology have with Planets Vs. Zombies developer PopCap Games? None…