Rollers of the Realm is a pinball/RPG hybrid. It's also the type of pinball game I've wanted for a long time.
Zen Studios upgrades its various pinball platforms this week with a tables based on the animated Christmas card that…
Pinball manufacturer Dutch Pinball finally showed prototypes of their Big Lebowski-themed machine, a long awaited…
If you don't know Krull, it's a lot like the first half of Thor 2, except the weapon of choice is a magic ninja…
As absurd as it may sound, the humble game of pinball was once declared illegal across large swathes of the United…
R2 and C-3PO are in constant danger of being turned to scrap in the latest Star Wars Pinball table. Enjoy the video…
Pinball may be a bit of an underappreciated art, but that doesn't mean it's lost and forgotten. Even in the…
By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Doctor Strange is getting a Marvel Pinball table! I bet you thought I was going to say "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!" Well, I'll leave it to Zen Studios to deliver the iconic line in this trailer for its 16th table in the series; it arrives in December.
What Do You Get When You Combine a Speeder Bike and a Pinball Table? You get a rather slick sub-level in Return of the Jedi, (at 1:00 of this gameplay video) due sometime this fall in the next set of three tables for Zen Studios' Star Wars Pinball.
It's a custom build, of course, as this isn't exactly something Nintendo falls over itself to license, but whatever.…
These guys have plans to make custom pinball machines featuring the work of top artists. Please help.
Zen Pinball's productive relationship with Marvel Entertainment has delivered 14 virtual tables to Pinball FX2 on…
In today's nostalgic episode of the TAY-powered Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter JonathanPonikvar laments the sad…
This Star Wars pinball machine wasn't released in the 70s, or 80s. It was released in 1992, which makes it very…
Action & reaction. Angles and speed. Momentum and inertia. Pinball is a game of physics. So is Portal. And that's…
In 1980, Bally released a pinball machine called Space Invaders. It was about as shameless a rip-off as you could…
Color me excited—FarSight's painstakingly crafted pinball game The Pinball Arcade will be coming to PS3 and Vita…
Steve Kordek, best known for revolutionizing pinball by adding those bottom two flippers that you can find on just…
Pinball is storied; pinball is distinctive. Pinball has a fascinating history, pinball has been a part of almost…
I've tried to be open-minded about what constitutes a sports video game, largely because the genre has so few new…