You gotta love Sims 4 glitches—they're so absurd, it's hard not to laugh at them.
Fus Ro Dahs It'd Take to Stop Earth Mid-Orbit Read more
Dishonored is free on Steam for the weekend. You might wanna give it a try if you haven't yet! It's good. Download it here.
Ever think to yourself, man, Tidehunter is pretty much just a really buff Squirtle? No? That just me?
I am 132 hours into Dota 2. During this time, I haven't spent a single cent on the game, but damned if it's not…
If you've played a role-playing game in the last several years, be it Mass Effect or The Elder Scrolls, chances…
Years It'd ACTUALLY Take to Visit Each Planet in No Man's Sky Read more
"Don't be That VR Guy," I keep thinking. I've spent the last couple of weeks playing Elite: Dangerous, a PC…
Total Crowdfunding for Star Citizen Read more
PC Skyrim players all must have a moment where they get bored of vanilla Skyrim and then look into mods. What…
People with VAC Bans on Steam
Though Gnar was revealed last month, Riot took the time today to visually explain what the prehistoric champion is…
Despite being out for nearly three years, Skyrim continues to be played and well-loved by tons of folks—especially…
In Divinity: Original Sin, disagreements are often settled not with steel or spells, but with a game of rock, paper,…
If you play games like League of Legends or Dota 2, then you've probably been matches that seemed so grim, you were…
The Ultimate Stunting Tutorial is a tremendous effort by dozens of people who came together in the name of doing…
I love this battle music from Divinity: Original Sin. It doesn't fit with the overall vibe of the game at all. It sounds more like…spy music? You know, from a spy game. But all the same, I love it. Every time it starts playing, I laugh.
You gotta love Counter-Strike chickens. Even when they get in the way, the result is hilarity.
Most people wait a little before pitting their team against Roshan. Not these guys, though.