Senran Kagura -Shojotachi no Shinei- is an upcoming 3DS ninja action game that features "costume damage" and saucy…
Star Fox 64 3D, the 3DS remake of Star Fox 64, will be out in Japan on July 17. [via Nintendo]
For a game about game consoles transformed into hot women, Hyperdimension Neptunia wasn't very good. That's why…
After being delayed due to the Tohoku Earthquake, Steel Diver is finally getting a release date in Japan. The game…

For years, Dr Pepper was never popular in Japan. If Japanese people wanted to drink cola, they'd have a Coke or…
In Akiba's Trip, players are tasked with tearing random strangers' clothes off in order to discern who is a vampire…

A viral video, asking the question "Do you know mayonaka TV?", is going all, well, viral.
Neon Genesis Evangelion's Rei Ayanami is an iconic character. Iconic characters mean one thing in Japan. Wait. They…

Decked out in black stretch pants, sneakers and not much else, Egashira 2:50 is one of Japan's most loathed…
This spring, a new Pokémon manga debuted. There have been Pokémon manga before, but nothing like this. Title Poké…
When the 3DS launched, Nintendo said 1.5 million of the 4 million shipped handhelds were headed for Japan by the…
In "I Love Women's Body Climber", the premise is simple: climb up girls. The difficulty is based on what the female…
Game themed shirts and figures are nice and all, but they're certainly not unusual. But a Resident Evil pistol?…
Last night at around 11:30, an aftershock with a magnitude of over 7 hit northeast Japan. The area, Tohoku, was…
Cosplay was once a sideshow. But these days, it is quickly becoming the main draw for Japanese gaming and manga…
Sega's Yakuza crime games feature a bevy of young attractive women as the in-game hostesses. Some of them are…
On the evening of April 5, two parents were gaming at a Sapporo arcade. They took their eyes off their kid. It was…
Yuuri Morishita got her start as a booth companion back in 2003, appearing at events like the Tokyo Game Show. But…
New product launches are rough. The launch for the Nintendo 3DS went off well, it seems. However, the weeks that've…
May is the month that Nintendo is taking off. Only five games are coming out for Nintendo platforms. No, wait. That…