Nioh, a beloved samurai action game that came out earlier this year for PS4, is coming to PC this November complete…
The newest patch for excellent, difficult Japanese samurai action game Nioh adds a lot, including new moves and the option to increase your item shortcuts from eight to 16. (Wonderful news for us Onmyo specialists.) Plus, there’s now a way to track which hot springs you’ve bathed in. Handy! Patch notes here.
Nioh’s final DLC Bloodshed’s End releases on September 26th. Among the additions will be a perpetual battle mode called ‘The Abyss,” which I guess means the bloodshed isn’t really ending at all.
The excellent PS4 samurai action game Nioh is overloaded with loot, but its developers may have solved one of their…
For the last month, I’ve been livestreaming my playthrough of The Surge on Kotaku’s Twitch channel, defeating one…
The Surge is a futuristic action game in the vein of Dark Souls that pits players against a host of robots and…
Nioh is an astonishing game with fast samurai action. Ninja tools, magic spells, and a variety of weapons should…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Pharah from downtown, powerful sniper rifle shots, Cronenberg Hannah Montana, and…
Today on a very froggy episode of Highlight Reel we have dogs, Kolibri massacres, boneitis, fuze clears and much…
Nioh is a massive game. Reviewing it took around 60 hours. Speedrunner Distortion2 puts myself and everyone to shame…
On first glance, Nioh does not seem remarkable. A generic looking action RPG in the vein of Dark Souls, Nioh seems…
Nioh has some difficult bosses. They’ll shish-kebab you in the blink of an eye. What if I told you one magic spell…
The PS4's new action game Nioh gets a whole lot right, but a change to co-op between the most recent demo and the…
Nioh pits the player agains a variety of foes. Deadly yokai and horrifying beasts rage about the countryside eager…
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it…
Samurai Dark Souls is finally here. And not much else.
Look, I didn’t expect to spend the last two nights obsessively playing Nioh either, but here we are.
After a decade or so in development, hack-and-slash ninja game Nioh finally has a release date: February 9, 2017. That release date is global.
Nioh is an upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive that blends aspects of Dark Souls, Onimusha, and even a little Genji:…