Next week, Gran Turismo 5 owners will get access to a load of new vehicles, some for money, some for free.
The 3G edition of the PlayStation Vita will be delayed in Canada "due to extensive planning and testing with their…
I celebrate Australian Christmas with cold beer and barbecued meat. Valve, well, Valve celebrate it a little…
Alan Wake is coming to the PC in 2012. We're talking about the original. Which came out on consoles in May 2010. And…
Gawker's House of Pancakes | I took Monday and Tuesday off. When I returned to the office today I discovered a…
Back in March, PR firm TrashTalkFCM thought it'd be a good idea to promote upcoming shooter Homefront by releasing a…
Celebrating the year that was a little early (a lot can happen in two weeks!), Britain's The Guardian newspaper has…
Publisher Square Enix has announced that, following the discovery that somebody "may have gained unauthorized access…
A family from Belleville, Michigan came home the other night to find their living room full of smoke. The culprit?…
The Tetris community at Hard Drop is, as you'd expect from people joining up to a community based around the game,…
The man leading development on Metal Gear Rising, former Capcom star Atsushi Inaba, sounds like he was prepared for…
The Wii is so not dead. Not when it's got Rhythm Heaven on the way in February. This, folks, is a screenshot. An…
For years now, Japanese capsule toy makers have churned out miniature (non-working, of course!) game consoles and…
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. It's a name Square Enix would be proud of, but before you go thinking some Japanese…
Kind of cool, kind of creepy. I played Google Shoot View in front of Kotaku's NYC HQ. -Stephen Totilo
I'm going to tell you a secret. My favourite racing series of this generation has been neither Gran Turismo nor For…
One of the first games I played a ton of on the iPhone was Paper Toss, a simple little title where you had to throw…
In saying the next Command & Conquer game is coming from "BioWare", it seems EA is hoping a little of gamer's good…
Having teased such an announcement earlier in the week, at tonight's Spike VGAs skate legend Tony Hawk made it…
More like Meat-Up, AmIRite?? | Last night's Kotaku reader meet-up at the Gizmodo Gallery was great. I loved seeing…