Over the years, I've asked many gamers about their favorite game soundtracks, and more often than not they respond…
Over the years, I've asked many gamers about their favorite game soundtracks, and more often than not they respond…
Join Kotaku contributing columnist and owner of some of the largest earrings in the industry Leigh Alexander…
I joined Spotify this week. It's great! And because it links up with my Facebook account, I get to see what all my…
The astoundingly talented community at OverClocked Remix have released NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming, a free album…
Artist Justin Wallis has taken Gecko's chiptune track 1988 and made his own music video for it, using little but…
Yes this Portal 2 video is packed to the gills with spoilers so look away if you're not into that sort of thing.…
Volume two of "Songs To Test By," Valve's soundtrack to Portal 2, is now available. 18 tracks of free music, plus…
This is Bowie's "Space Oddity" via Star Fox. With puppets!
Last week we brought you the sad story of chiptune artist Andy Baio and his run in with the legal system over an…
Whenever a new console launches in Japan, people line up. And whenever there are lines, there's often press there…
One of the highlights of Portal 2, like it was with the first game, is its music. Most will agree that it's a…
Every story's gotta start somewhere. This one starts in Hiroshima, with three girls who had the same kanji character…
Following March 11's earthquake and tsunami, kids left parentless and homeless piled into make-shift refuge…
Chiptune connoisseur and tech guru Andy Baio released an album last year called Kind of Bloop, an 8-bit tribute to…
In 1991, before the company realised it was a good idea to pay closer attention to the shit it was licensing its…
If your favorite part of Tron: Legacy was the bar scene, then this insane pop song from Albanian star Aurela Gaçe…
If you listened closely, you may already know that Brooklyn band The National recorded a song "Exile Vilify" for Port…
Announced at E3, there will be a Legend of Zelda concert series this fall, commemorating the 25th anniversary of…
This is Ice-T's Body Count. Performing at a Gears of War 3 party in LA earlier tonight. That's a match made in…