If you liked the soundtrack to the amazing Catzilla, the artist responsible is offering an EP of the stuff. Read more
When a house full of dwarves starts singing Misty Mountain, it's perhaps the saddest moment in the new Hobbit…
This is Japanese artist Daito Manabe, who "uses electrical impulses as an artistic medium". Translation: you're…
At first, the vibe of SG Grey Days' retro-RPG-styled video didn't grab me. An overworld that looked like something…
There's a new Fanta advergame on Facebook and iOS, giving fans of the increasingly popular soft drink a chance to…
There's a Minecraft Christmas song. It's by Area 11, a band from England. As of two days ago, it was apparently jus…
Nietzsche once said, "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Considering that Snoop Dogg's Ask Me Anything on Reddit is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the…
The nominations for the 55th Grammy Awards have been revealed, and for PS3 gamers there's quite the surprise: Austin…
Continuing on from a list they put together in October, Spin magazine has built a video showing you a whole bunch of…
The video for Hot Chip's Don't Deny Your Heart starts out as a homage to FIFA, and the obsessive way many people…
DJ Cutman has turned the Wii U's soothing menu music into an album. Get it here. Read more
Making it in the Japanese entertainment industry ain't easy. You need to stand out! And being cute is no longer…
Even over a decade and a half after the release of the anime that started it all, the Evangelion franchise is one of…
When you think of Evangelion, what comes to mind? Giant robots? Angsty teens? Massive amounts of religious imagery?…
Popstar Utada Hikaru was taking time off. She hadn't put out a new song since 2010. Until now.
From Mario to Rhythm Heaven when it comes to first-party games, Nintendo is no slouch. But what's surprising is how…
Over the course of this generation in gaming, more than a few Nintendo-published Wii titles have never made it…
That's a headline I never thought I'd be writing, but it's a funny old world we're living in.
Coming November 15 to an iTunes near you, Arranger is a madcap musical adventure that stitches together a…