Kiwi band Delete Delete and effects house Effective...Effects teamed up on this clip for the group's song What Do…
Let’s be clear right from the start. Project Diva f on the Vita is an enjoyable music game. It has great music,…
Project Diva F is an enjoyable music game starring popular virtual idol Hatsune Miku. And like most games these…
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f, released last August, is one of the Vita’s best-selling games despite never being…
Ever wonder what popular anime theme songs of the 60s, 80s, 90s, and 00s would sound like if they were all made in…
This Halo insipred and -themed music video easily wins "the most Spartan costumes featured in a clip ever trophy,"…
Nerd rapper Adam Warrock has worked around the clock to bring you "MOCAPPED DAWGZ (NEXT GEN ISH)", a track partly…
Worldwide musical sensation Psy spends the entirety of his music video for "Gentleman" griefing real people. Now…
A few years back, production team Light Forge Studios worked with the band A Crowd of Small Adventures on this…
British rockers Muse have a new music video out. It was shot in Tokyo, and it's lighthearted and fun. Oh, except for…
The remixed Fez soundtrack is now out. Get it here. At $5, you'd be crazy not to, especially since it features tracks by the composers behind games like Minecraft, Mirror's Edge and...Fez. Read more
"Gangnam Style" seems so 2012. It is! But what does that matter when you're dead and want to oppan funeral style?
PSY's video for "Gentleman" is getting plenty of play online. However, on Korea's biggest television network, it's…
While the rest of the world spent the weekend studying South Korean superstar Park Jae-sang's latest video in…
PSY's video for "Gentleman" is tearing up the internet, racking up over 20 million views in only its first 24 hours…
Yesterday, Kotaku posted PSY's newest song, "Gentleman". And today, here's the video, which also includes PSY's…
This Saturday, PSY will be performing at Seoul World Cup Stadium. According to AP, PSY said he will "share his new…
Sorry if that sounds like I'm pressuring you, but when it comes to video game soundtracks, there is Vice City's…
There's a first time for everything. And once something is pioneered, others move in and make it theirs. But is…
This is "Cutie Song". In its native Korean, it's called the "Gwiyomi" or "Kiyomi" song, depending on how you write…